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Recommended Vaccines for Travel to India

Updated on Feb 13, 2024 | Online Indian Visa

When planning your trip to India, you must discuss vaccinations with your doctor or medical professional. Like applying for your Indian e-Visa, getting the proper vaccinations is crucial for a safe and healthy trip.

India is a stunning and diverse country, but it's necessary to be aware of the potential risks of tropical diseases, including malaria, typhoid, and hepatitis A and B.

To protect yourself against these diseases, getting vaccinated before your trip to India is essential. Depending on your circumstances, your doctor or medical professional will provide information and recommendations about the necessary vaccinations.

In addition to getting vaccinated, taking other precautions, such as using mosquito repellent, wearing long-sleeved clothing, and practicing good hygiene, is essential to minimize the risk of contracting tropical diseases.

You require India e-Tourist Visa or Indian Visa Online to witness the amazing places and experiences as a foreign tourist in India. Alternatively, you could be visiting India on an India e-Business Visa and want to do some recreation and sightseeing in India. The Indian Immigration Authority encourages visitors to India to apply for Indian Visa Online rather than visiting Indian Consulate or Indian Embassy.

Essential Considerations for India Travel Vaccines

Getting vaccinated for your trip to India is not always a quick and straightforward process. Depending on the vaccines required, you may need to take additional steps, such as:

  • Visiting a specialist clinic
  • Undergoing allergy testing for certain medications
  • Receiving a series of booster shots over several weeks
  • To ensure that you receive the necessary vaccinations in time for your trip, it's essential to consult a medical professional who can provide you with personalized recommendations based on your health status, travel itinerary, and other factors.
  • Your doctor may advise you to get vaccinated against diseases such as malaria, typhoid, and hepatitis A and B. However, depending on your circumstances, you may require additional vaccinations or preventative medications.
  • Furthermore, some vaccinations may need to be administered well before your traveling date, so it's crucial to plan accordingly and allow enough time for any necessary appointments and booster shots.

Foreign nationals keen to visit India for sightseeing or recreation, casual visits to meet friends and family or short term Yoga programme are eligible to apply for a 5 year India e-Tourist Visa.

Vaccinations for Traveling to India

When considering a trip to India, it's essential to consider getting the recommended vaccinations to protect yourself from tropical diseases. Depending on where you are visiting and your planned activities, your doctor may advise you to get the following vaccinations:

Hepatitis A and B

Hepatitis viruses affect the liver and are spread through contaminated food and bodily fluids. It is recommended to get vaccinated against both types of hepatitis to prevent jaundice, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pains.

Vaccination schedule: Three shots over six months

Rapid course of 3 shots over five weeks (with an additional booster shot one year after the first dose for long-term immunity)

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is a disease spread by mosquitoes. Although it does not occur in India, proof of immunization is mandatory if traveling from a country where Yellow Fever is a risk.

Vaccination schedule: 1 shot at least ten days before travel


Typhoid is contracted from contaminated food and water and can cause weakness, high fever, headaches, and stomach pains. Getting vaccinated and taking precautions with food and drink during your trip is recommended.

Vaccination schedule: 1 shot 14 days before travel


Though you can leave India by 4 different modes of travel viz. by air, by cruiseship, by train or by bus, only 2 modes of entry are valid when you enter the country on India e-Visa (India Visa Online ) by air and by cruise ship. Learn more at Airports and Seaports for Indian Visa


Measles is still present in some parts of India and can cause fever, rash, cough, and pneumonia. It is essential to check if you are up-to-date with your measles vaccinations before your trip.

Vaccination schedule: 2 shots over 28 days


Cholera outbreaks occasionally occur in India when food and water are contaminated by bacteria that cause the disease. Vaccination is only necessary if an epidemic has occurred recently in the areas you plan to visit.

Vaccination schedule: 2 oral doses 14 days apart

Japanese Encephalitis

Mosquito bites cause Japanese Encephalitis and can cause confusion, fever, headache, vomiting, difficulty moving, and coma. It is recommended to get vaccinated if you will be spending extended periods in tropical areas.

Vaccination schedule: 2 doses over 28 days


Bites from dogs, bats, and other mammals in India spread rabies. If you spend time outdoors or working with animals, it is essential to consider vaccination to prevent irritability, confusion, seizures, weakness, and extreme sensitivity to bright lights.

Vaccination schedule: 3 doses over 28 days


Foreigners who must visit India on a crisis basis are granted an Emergency Indian Visa (eVisa for emergency). If you live outside of India and need to visit India for a crisis or urgent reason, such as the death of a family member or cherished one, coming to court for legal reasons, or your family member or a cherished one is suffering from a real illness, you can apply for an emergency India visa. Learn more at The Emergency Visa to Visit India.

Staying Healthy in India: Tips to Keep in Mind

To ensure a safe and healthy trip to India, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

Carry Antimalarials, especially if visiting tropical regions.

Malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes and is prevalent in some areas of India. It is vital to carry antimalarial medication if you plan to visit these regions. Consult your doctor to know which antimalarial medication is best for you.

Keep Away from Wild Animals

Avoid contact with wild animals as they may carry diseases or attack if provoked. It is also essential to be cautious of stray dogs and monkeys, which are common in India.

Protect Yourself from Insect Bites

Use insect repellent sprays and wear long-sleeved clothing to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Mosquitoes can be the reason to transmit diseases such as the dengue fever, chikungunya, and Zika virus.

Eat and Drink Safely

Be cautious about all the kinds of stuff that you eat and drink in India. Stick to bottled water and avoid consuming food from street vendors. Ensure your food is adequately cooked, and avoid raw or undercooked meat and seafood.

Sanitize Properly

Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands frequently with soap and water to prevent the spread of germs. It is also essential to always carry a small bottle of sanitizer with you.

Following these tips and consulting with your doctor before your trip can ensure a safe and healthy experience in India.

Widely renowned all over the world for their majestic presence and stunning architecture, the palaces and forts in Rajasthan are a lasting testament to India’s rich heritage and culture. Learn more at Tourist Guide to Palaces and Forts in Rajasthan.

Citizens of many countries including United States, France, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy are eligible for India e-Visa(Indian Visa Online). You can apply for the Indian e-Visa Online Application right here.

Should you have any doubts or require assistance for your trip to India or India e-Visa,contact Indian Visa Help Desk for support and guidance.